art by @itsCranity on twitter


(alt: echo)

25 | pisces | 25 feb
they/them - he/him - il | masc non binary
english & french

art by @itsCranity


dont follow me if you

- have issues with my partner
- are homo/bi/pan/transphobic etc
- are a nazi/kkk/alt-right/white supremacist/anti antifa
- are a twerf/swerf or anti-feminist
- condone real life pedophilia/incest
- think autism(/other similar neurodivergences) can be "cured"
- are an anti-vaxxer
- are a minor / interacting is ok

please tag/warn for

- eye damage (esp irl or hyperrealistic stuff)
- real life gore
- cancer (esp death due to cancer)
- pet death/abuse

i try to tag things such as:
rape/non con/csa, nudity, cancer, food, abuse, gore & car accidents
but i tend to be forgetful so i might accidentally drop a tag, lmk if theres anything that /absolutely/ needs to be tagged so i can warn you for it

main ids

Gabriel Reyes - Overwatch
Caleb Widogast - Critical Role Campaign 2
Kageyama Tobio - Haikyuu!!
K-2SO - Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Trevor Belmont - Castlevania
Anthony J. Crowley - Good Omens


hey i'm ash, here's a little bit more info about myself, for more click through my other tabsi usually dont follow back if an account doesnt have at least a small bio sorryi block a lot of ppl just so i dont see their content on my tl, if i have you blocked this is probably why

pisces sun | aquarius moon | leo rising
queer polyamorous
pan-gray ace spectrum
non binary transmasc